Ryan & Selena Happy Marriage Life

 One of the most beautiful aspects of marriage is longevity. Nothing replaces time; longevity can't be fabricated. The thing about time is that it takes patience, fortitude, and a total lack of escape routes.

We've experienced many "give up" moments in our marriage. It was in those times that our commitment -- our covenant -- sustained our love. Surely we'll experience moments like that in the future, but our commitment is sure. When the feelings of love are sparse, we'll cling to each other in a different way. Our love will look more like patience than romance, and our commitment will anchor us through the storm.
In marriage you must burn the ships -- backup plans can't exist. This approach forces you to look to each other for reconciliation when times get hard, instead of elsewhere for a way out. Difficulty will feel hard, but you will emerge on the other side of it stronger, closer, and more ready than ever for the next storm.

The marriage covenant provides freedom to stay and figure things out. When you both determine that there are no backup plans, you can breathe, take time, and talk.
May you look for ways forward instead of ways out, and may you do so together. Even when you don't see eye to eye, you can still move forward hand in hand.
Stay fierce,
Ryan & Selena

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